Please attach a current resume which includes a description of your current job function, all previous places of employment including internships, and your education background. Resume should be limited to two pages, if possible.

Please help the NED Program advisors and selection committee get to know you by providing a cover letter.
Some questions you may wish to answer are:
• Why did you choose the commercial real estate industry?
• What are your short-term and long-term career goals or objectives?
• What experiences or skills do you bring that would make your contribution to this group particularly impactful?
• Why should we select you to be in the program?

Candidates are invited to include a letter of recommendation with their application form, preferably from a member in good standing of NAIOP and returned by the author to the NAIOP SFBA office. The letter of recommendation should define the relationship with the applicant (e.g. current employer, employee, client, former business associate, etc.). The recommendation may also wish to address why the applicant would be a valuable contributor and benefit from the NED Program, and any personal knowledge of the applicant’s leadership abilities, work ethic, personal and professional integrity.
[This item may also be submitted separately via email to]

Due to the time commitment required, we highly encourage applicants to obtain a letter of employer endorsement when they apply for this program. However, this is not mandatory. [This item may also be submitted separately via email to]