Bay Area to allow construction under new shelter in place order

The following are highlights from the latest news release by Mayor London N. Breed (Posted April 29, 2020)
"Extension of the Health Order is designed to maintain progress on slowing the spread of the coronavirus. The modified Order will loosen restrictions on some lower-risk activities."
"The new Stay Home Order will go into effect at 11:59 pm on May 3, 2020."
"In recognition of the gains made to date, the new orders will include minor modifications, while keeping social distancing, face covering, and other safety measures in place. While mass gatherings and crowded occasions are still months away from being permitted, the new regional Stay Home orders will allow some lower-risk outdoor activities and jobs to resume once the new Order goes into effect."
"Under the extended Stay Home Order, all construction will be allowed to resume as long as specific safety measures are in place. Certain businesses that operate primarily outdoors, such as plant nurseries, car washes, and flea markets, may reopen under San Francisco’s Order. Any employee of a business allowed to operate under the order can also access childcare programs that are allowed to operate. Some outdoor recreational facilities, like skate parks and golf courses, may reopen. The full text of the new order and answers to frequently asked questions is posted at"