CBPA's California Legislative Update 11/12/2021

- CBPA 2021/2022 CALENDARS
California Business Properties Association (CBPA) Board Chair Joe Markling announced today that Rex S. Hime is stepping aside from his longstanding role as President & CEO of CBPA and taking on the role as Senior Advisor to CBPA, effective at the end of 2021. Hime has a 37-year history of service to the Commercial Real Estate industry.
Matthew Hargrove, CBPA’s Senior Vice President of Governmental Affairs, will succeed Hime as President and CEO.
“Rex has done more to unite this industry and advance its causes than any other advocate in commercial real estate in the country,” said Joe Markling, Chair of California Business Properties’ Board of Directors and Managing Director Head of Real Estate Operations at USAA Real Estate, “Our causes are personal to Rex. He’s earned the right to slow down a bit. We are delighted to know that he will remain as a part of our executive team leadership.”
Hime began his career at CBPA in 1984 and has been the voice for the commercial real estate industry for almost four decades. During that time, he led the growth of CBPA from less than 100 members to an organization representing over 10,000 companies. Under Hime’s leadership CBPA became the only commercial real estate association in the nation representing all aspects of the retail office industrial commercial real estate industry, bringing together the national organizations of International Conference of Shopping Centers (ICSC), National Association of Industrial Office Parks (NAIOP), Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) and the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) to speak with one voice.
“From walking the halls of the Sacramento Capitol in Hawaiian Shirts, to traveling the state fighting Split Roll Tax measures and other threats to our industry, Rex has truly made a life of service feel more like fun than work,” continued Markling.
Hime helped create coalitions that have stopped the threat of split roll tax several times, most recently Proposition 15 in 2020. He provided leadership to the coalition that secured passage of the law prohibiting commercial rent control in California – making it the only state to enact such legislation. Hime brought together a coalition of the business and disabled communities to successfully achieve passage of landmark legislation redefining the approval process for drive-throughs in California and created the first density bonus program for commercial developments that included childcare centers. And during his tenure Hime was involved in the passage of major infrastructure bonds benefitting all Californians including school construction and water bonds totaling tens of billions of dollars.
While serving with CBPA Hime also served the state in many volunteer capacities including the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) as a Presidential appointee of Ronald Reagan and then as the California State Assembly appointee. Hime also served as a Regent to the University of California and as President of the Cal Aggie Alumni Association. Hime is also the longest serving member of the Cal Expo Board of Directors, having been appointed by five different Governors, and currently serves as the Vice Chair of the Board. He also was President of the Board of Trustees for the Northern California Lymphoma and Leukemia Society.
Prior to joining California Business Properties Association (CBPA), Rex began his fifty plus year career working in the Capitol at the Assembly Desk during the summer of 1970. He served on then Governor Reagan’s educational staff and as Assistant to the Director for the State Department of Consumer Affairs. Later he was the Executive Director of the California State Commission for Economic Development, Director for the California Commission on Agriculture and as a Special Assistant to the Lieutenant Governor. His legislative experience includes service as the Senior Assistant to the Minority Leader of the California State Assembly.
Hime resides in Loomis with his wife Gwyn and they have two sons – Rex W. and Reagan.
Several major groups have come together to host an event you don’t want to miss! California Business Properties Association (CBPA), American Council for Engineering Companies (ACEC), Building Owners and Managers of California (BOMA CAL), California Alliance for Jobs (CAJ), California Building Industry Association (CBIA), California Business Roundtable (CBRT), California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA), California Retailers Association (CRA), invite you to attend one of the premier California policy gatherings, 2021 Strategic Issues Conference.
California’s leading home builders, retailers, manufacturers, business property owners, managers, and developers will come together to increase public policy and political awareness of state and national issues and foster collaborative efforts among business leaders from all sectors of the California economy. The topics of discussion that impact California’s economy are as follows - Upcoming 2022 Elections and Statewide Politics California’s Response to the Drought, Storm Water Runoff, Housing in California, Goods Movement and the Supply Chain, and How Crime affects California.
December 2-3, 2021
Embassy Suites by Hilton Napa Valley
1075 California Boulevard, Napa, CA - CLICK HERE FOR HOTEL ROOM BLOCK
The Strategic Issues Conference offers a unique opportunity, in an intimate setting, to enjoy significant exposure to key decision-makers and policymakers from both the public and private sectors. Your sponsorship will signal your strong support for improving the business climate in California.
CLICK HERE for sponsorship details or contact Melissa Stevens at mstevens@cbpa.com
To help you with logistics here is a full listing of events and meetings:
Thursday, December 2
- NAIOP California State Meeting, 10:30am
- CBPA Board Meeting, 1:00pm
- BOMA Board Meeting, 3:00pm
- Wine Reception, 5:30pm
- Dinner & Housing Panel, 6:30pm
Friday, December 3
- Breakfast & California Politics, 8:00am
- California’s Response to the Drought, 9:30am
- Stormwater Panel, 10:30am
- Crime in California, 11:15am
- Lunch & Goods Movement/Supply Chain, 12:00pm
With the passage of the Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, California is set to receive about $45.5 billion. This will be the largest long-term investment in infrastructure and competitive ness in almost a century. A few points are highlighted below.
Repairing and rebuilding our roads and bridges – California is expected to receive $25.3 billion for federal-aid highway programs and $4.2 billion for bridge replacement and repairs. With commute times increasing by almost 15% over the last decade, revitalizing our roads and bridges will help our goods movement sector and get much needed building materials and retail items to their destinations faster and more efficiently.
Reliable high-speed internet for every Californian – California is set to receive a minimum allocation of $100 million to help provide broadband coverage across our state. This would provide access to half a million Californian’s who don’t currently have access to broadband. Our industry has been supportive of similar good legislation coming out of the legislature.
Among roads and broadband, funds have been allocated for public transportation, EV chargers, environmentally friendly infrastructure, clean drinking water, and airports.
To read a detailed summary of funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act put together by our friends at the CalChamber, click here.
Last week, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published their draft COVID-19 vaccine emergency regulations for employers. The actual draft regulations can be found here and begins on page 473 of the document. These regulations will affect your tenants, are employee focused, and CAL/OSHA will be coming out with their own standards soon.
These regulations for employers will completely go into effect on January 4. Any employer with 100 or more employers will be covered by this standard, and generally this proposal has to do with testing of employees, verifying vaccination status of employees, and paid sick leave.
A day and a half after these were released, a Federal Appeals court blocked the mandates placing this implementation on pause for the time being.
Cal/OSHA’s California plan will use these federal regulations as a basis for their framework as they must have a regulation that is at least as effective as any federal standard in place within 30 days. CAL/OSHA is expected to meet and vote on the draft vaccine emergency regulation at their November 18 meeting.
We are part of a coalition put together by the CalChamber to make recommendations on common sense regulations. To read the submitted letter from the coalition, click here.
Thursday-Friday, December 2 - 3
Strategic Issues Conference & CBPA Board Meeting
Embassy Suites, Napa Valley
Thursday, March 24, 2022
CBPA Board Meeting & Industry Awards Dinner
Renaissance Hotel, Newport Beach
Thursday, April 7, 2022
CBPA Industrywide Legislative Meeting
Southern California (TDB)
June 7 – 8, 2022
California Commercial Real Estate Summit and CBPA Annual Board Meeting
Cal Chamber, Sacramento
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
CBPA Board Meeting & Post-Election Wrap Up
For more information on any of our events, please contact Melissa Stevens at 916-443-4676 or mstevens@cbpa.com.