CBPA's California Legislative Update 3/04/2022

The Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act is a proposition we are working to qualify for the November 2022 ballot. The Act creates new Constitutional protections for taxpayers in the highest cost-of-living state in the nation.
If passed by voters, the Act will close significant loopholes created by recent court decisions and other governmental actions, reinstating the will of the voters and further increasing their voice in new and higher taxes. The Taxpayer Protection Act also reclassifies all new and higher revenue as either a tax or an exempt charge, as defined.
The campaign is now heating up and the next few weeks will be a fury of activity focusing on coalition building, endorsements, and active fundraising.
This initiative is sponsored by the same groups that stopped Proposition 15 (Split Roll Property Tax) in 2020, including California Business Properties Association, California Business Roundtable, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and Cal-Tax.
This election cycle we are now seeing several local measures to increase property taxes with a majority vote only. The Act would restore the 2/3s vote requirement, would invalidate any measures passed this cycle by less than the traditionally needed supermajority, and would make it more difficult to pass a split roll initiative in the future.
The effort represents one of the most important actions the business community has taken in years to proactively protect itself.
The website was launched today, CLICK HERE to read more and JOIN THE COALITION!
One of the best examples of a local tax measure that is moving forward to take advantage of the newly granted loophole to pass a local special tax with a bare majority of the vote is the City of L.A. document transfer tax.
This proposed new tax is an $875M per year tax increase for real estate transfers in perpetuity. Because of the course actions mentioned in the story above, this tax no longer needs a 2/3 vote to pass – just “50% + 1” of the voters.
The Taxpayer Protection act, if passed, will invalidate this tax which is only has a shot at passing by taking advantage of the holes punched in Prop. 13 by recent court decisions.
If The Act does not pass you will see a flood of local tax measure similar to this up and down the state and have very limited ability to stop them.
The California business community and taxpayer advocates today launched Stop the Tax on Working Families, a campaign to defeat the deeply flawed tax increase on working families that has qualified for the November ballot.
The Stop the Tax on Working Families committee is a broad-based and growing coalition of business, taxpayer and consumer advocates organized to oppose the plastics tax qualified for the November ballot. The committee is co-chaired by the California Business Roundtable, California Retailers Association, California Manufacturers & Technology Association and California Taxpayers Association (CalTax).
We are supporting this group in their efforts to defeat the ‘California Recycling and Plastics Pollution Reduction Act’.
Rob Lapsley, President of CBRT stated, “the so-called ‘California Recycling and Plastics Pollution Reduction Act’ is a regressive tax on California working families when they pay for food, diapers and other necessities. California families face one of the highest costs of living, rapidly increasing inflation and the highest poverty rate among states. The last thing working families need right now is another regressive tax on essentials, especially when the state has a $46 billion—and growing—budget surplus. We look forward to building a robust and aggressive campaign to defeat this measure in November.”
To read the full announcement by Stop the Tax on Working Families, CLICK HERE.
Stay tuned for more news regarding all ballot initiatives impacting our industry in November.
Governor Gavin Newsom signed a new Executive Order (N-5-22) this week removing indoor mask mandates in California, along with other public health action:
“On February 25, 2022, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued updated guidance related to face coverings based on the latest evidence and data on COVID-19, including from the recent surge caused by the Omicron variant, and on February 28, 2022, CDPH issued updated guidance related to face coverings in alignment with the most current evidence and the CDC guidance…”
Cal/OSHA updated its FAQ in response to the governor’s Executive Order.
For employers, this is a great resource to know how to navigate this new chapter in our “endemic” economy and way of life.
To read the full Cal/OSHA FAQ, click here.
Southern California Builder, The Magazine of the Building Industry Association of California released their February Issue with a spotlight on CBPA and the new President & CEO, Matthew Hargrove.
They opened the piece which was part of their “Movers and Shakers” segment with a write up on CBPA saying,
“The California Business Properties Association is one of the building industry’s strongest allies in Sacramento, frequently standing with homebuilders in support or opposition to legislation and regulations affecting real estate development. Matthew Hargrove, long-time Vice President of Government Affairs for CBPA, became the association’s President and CEO last December, upon the retirement of Rex Hime after 37 years representing the commercial real estate interests in the state capitol. He spoke with Southern California Builder about CBPA and its close association with BIA.”
To read the segment with Matthew Hargrove on CBPA, CLICK HERE.
To read the entire February Edition, CLICK HERE.
California Business Properties Association Industry Awards Dinner & 50th Anniversary Celebration is scheduled for March 24, 2022, at The Renaissance Hotel in Newport Beach starting at 6:00pm. This bi-annual event is a chance to recognize the unwavering leadership of individuals and companies dedicated to the office, industrial, and retail real estate industry.
This year we will be pairing the Awards Dinner with a 50 Year Celebration, acknowledging the history and key role California Business Properties Association has played in advocating for and defending our vital industry. CBPA would not be successful without our leadership, membership, and those in our industry who go above and beyond in the legislative process.
With Rex Hime’s retirement announcement, and his 37 years of service to our industry, this event will also be an opportunity to honor and thank him and those who helped establish CBPA to become “The Voice of Commercial Real Estate,” in California.
The following peer-nominated awards represent the highest recognition given to industry leaders in the State of California:
The Ernest W. Hahn Memorial Award honors our founder’s many contributions to the real estate industry. The award is given to an individual and/or organization that go above and beyond the call of duty to impact legislative, regulatory, or public policy issues on behalf of our industry.
NewMark Merrill along with Sandy Sigal went above and beyond writing a check to defeat Prop 15 defending our industry from Split Roll Tax in 2020. From pushing for more signage at their properties, advocacy, and press – NewMark Merrill undoubtedly impacted our successes on the ballot in 2020.
Honoree: NewMark Merril, Sandy Sigal
The John Caldecott Memorial Award honors the unfaltering lifelong community service provided by John Caldecott through his service in the Salvation Army. The award recognizes an individual and/or organization that advances our industry through community service to others.
Kilroy Realty Corporation (KRC) is committed to being a real estate leader in innovation and sustainability. Part of that commitment is investing in our communities and future leaders. KRC seeks to address issues and needs aligned with our goals and objectives through financial support of education and community enrichment programs. KRC provides financial assistance to accredited schools and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that work to produce programs and projects centered around community enrichment.
The Ray Magnussen Memorial Award honors Ray Magnussen who, as a provider to our industry, lead a statewide effort of advocacy to help fight issues facing all of us. The award is given to an individual service provider and/or organization that goes above and beyond the call of duty to impact the commercial real estate industry.
Sarahann spent countless hours providing legal guidance to our industry while navigating through the eviction moratoriums that took us by storm because of the pandemic. We were able to defeat legislation threatening our industry like SB 939, thanks to Sarahann Shapiro.
Honoree: Sarahann Shapiro, Pahl & McCay
Champion of the Industry Awards are presented to individuals and/or companies who have dedicated themselves to the improvement of the commercial, industrial, and/or retail real estate industry in California through the development of projects that stand-out for their innovation, attraction, and versatility.
Mr. Horne is passionate about collaboration and actively promotes the integration of multiple disciplines to ensure well-conceived, strategic solutions for complex client assignments. This passion led him to becoming an early adopter and champion for workplace transformation, including Workplace Strategy, Experience Consulting, Change Management and Occupancy Management.
Click the links below for Registration, Sponsorship, and hotel accommodations:
We look forward to seeing you in March and celebrating our industry together!
Thursday, March 24
Industry Awards Dinner and CBPA Board Meeting
The Renaissance Hotel, Newport Beach
Thursday, April 7
CBPA Industrywide Legislative Meeting
Southern California
Tuesday, June 7 – Wednesday, June 8
California Commercial Real Estate Summit
and CBPA Annual Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 15
CBPA Board Meeting
For more information on any of our events, please contact Melissa Stevens at 916-443-4676 ormstevens@cbpa.com.