Appropriations Committees wrapped up this week in the Senate and Assembly, deciding which bills would move on and which would be stuck in the suspense file – stopping them for the year. The Assembly had 323 total bills, passing 244 to the floor at a 75.5% rate. The Senate had 491 total bills, passing 368 to the floor at a 75% rate.
3 bills on our California Commercial Real Estate Summit Priority Bill list were awaiting their destiny with the outcome of the suspense file. Below, find the bills that we discussed and how they fared.
SB 260 (Wiener) – Taxes & Regulations
SB 206 requires the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to adopt regulations requiring the reporting of greenhouse gas emission data throughout the entire supply chain to include activities such as business travel, employee commutes, procurement, waste, and water usage.
Assembly Appropriations Committee, Oppose
Passed to Floor with Significa Amendments
SB 1105 (Hueso) – Taxes & Regulations {Specific to San Diego Delegation}
Establishes the San Diego Regional Equitable and Environmentally Friendly Housing Agency without meaningful engagement from stakeholders, including the affordable housing sector in San Diego County. SB 1105 would empower this duplicative agency, governed by an unelected board, to implement a broad range of taxes and fees to facilitate increased funding for major policies such as regional tenant protection and affordable housing development.
Assembly Appropriations Committee, Oppose
Held in Suspense, Dead for the Year
SB 1410 (Caballero) – Goods Movement
Modifies the Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) regulation to be applied only in Urbanized Transit Priority Areas to help the state meet its ambitious climate goals while not penalizing much needed new housing and job centers.
Assembly Appropriations Suspense File, Support
Held in Suspense, Dead for the Year