Government Affairs Committee

The Chapter actively participates in the work of the California Business Properties Association (CBPA), the designated legislative advocate for the NAIOP of California and other industry associations. CBPA represents over 10,000 members, making it the largest consortium of commercial real estate professionals in California.

The Government Affairs Committee helps to shape our chapter activities through legislative contacts, educating our membership on the legislation that confronts our industry, and liaising with NAIOP’s San Francisco, Sacramento and D.C. lobbyists. 

For the latest updates, visit the Legislative News section of the website. There you will find the updates provided by our Sacramento lobbyists as well as a others curated by this committee to keep our members informed. 

Government Affairs Committee Co-Chairs:

Tess Brandwein, Shartsis Friese LLP
Justin Shapiro, Long Market Property Partners, LLC

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NAIOP’s Legislative Concerns on Critical Issues:
At the state level, the interests of all 6 California Chapters of NAIOP are represented by CBPA:

California Business Properties Association (CBPA) is the recognized voice of all aspects of the commercial retail industrial real estate industry in California — representing the largest commercial real estate consortium with over 10,000 industry members including ICSC, NAIOP, BOMA CAL, RILA, ACRE and AIR CRE.

Key Issues Include:

  • Supply Chain, Logistics, Warehouses
  • Infrastructure Development
  • Tax Reform, Proposition 13 Protection
  • State’s Housing Crisis
  • Energy and Water
  • Economic Competitiveness
  • ADA Reform
  • CEQA, Land Use
  • Organized Retail Crime
  • Landlord/Tenant Issues

Learn more and view the latest updates here

On the national front, NAIOP has identified three priority legislative issues:

Tax Policy
Congress should pass comprehensive tax legislation that renews expiring provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) and maintains long-standing tax policies that support an economically vibrant commercial real estate industry. The tax code should promote capital formation, reward entrepreneurship and long-term-investment, support housing production, and foster community and economic development.

Energy and Electricity
Congress needs to pursue comprehensive energy policies designed to meet the growing need for electricity throughout the U.S. economy, including increased investment in electrical grid expansion and modernization, permitting reforms for energy generation and transmission projects, and increased coordination on major regional projects across multiple jurisdictions. The lack of future availability of electricity is hindering the commercial real estate development needed to support industries in a rapidly transforming economy.

Adaptive Reuse
Congress should pass legislation to incentivize the adaptive reuse of vacant and underutilized commercial buildings. The Revitalizing Downtowns and Main Streets Act was introduced in the last Congress by Representatives Mike Carey (R-OH) and Jimmy Gomez (D-CA) to create a tax credit to offset the costs of conversions. Adaptive reuse property conversions can help increase the supply of affordable housing and help restore economic vitality to communities dealing with the impact of post-pandemic workplace changes. 

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