Political Action Committee

NAIOP San Francisco Bay Area has created two political committees: the "NAIOP San Francisco Bay Area Candidate PAC" ("Candidate PAC") and the "NAIOP San Francisco Bay Area Issues PAC" ("Issues PAC"). The Candidate PAC is a political committee and 527 organization created to make contributions to candidates for public office who support the commercial real estate industry in the Bay Area. The Issues PAC is a political committee and 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization created to raise and spend funds to support and oppose ballot measures which affect the commercial real estate industry in the Bay Area. Candidates and issues are vetted by a PAC Board as well as the Chapter Board before allocating any funds to support or oppose.

Both NAIOP-SFBA-PACs rely on donations for funding. Your donation is an investment that will help to empower the NAIOP SFBA voice and impact on behalf of the local commercial real estate industry. The Issues PAC may accept contributions from a corporation or an individual, whereas the Candidate PAC may only accept funds from individuals. For more information about contributions, disclosures, and reporting, see the Fact Sheet below.

Download the PAC and Frequently Asked Questions Fact Sheet

Contact the GAC

Justin Shapiro
Political Action Committee Chair
Long Market Property Partners, LLC

How to Contribute

To donate by check, follow the instructions in the above FAQ document.

To donate by credit card, click the link below to make a donation.

Make A Contribution

Contributions to the PACs are not tax deductible as a business expense or charitable contribution. Contributions from foreign nationals or foreign entities are prohibited but contributions from any other source are permitted. The PACs do not accept contributions based on any condition or agreement to support or oppose a specific candidate or ballot measure. The PACs may not accept contributions which have been reimbursed by another person unless you inform us of the true source of the contribution.