The Judicial Council of California voted to end two temporary emergency rules governing evictions and judicial foreclosures, which will stay in effect through Sept. 1.
The proposal was approved 19-1, with council members submitting their votes by circulating order.
Welcome to our first edition of the Diversity Column. This month's topic, written by Alexandra Stoelzle and the I.D.EA., addresses the Black Lives Matter movement - what is it, why does it matter for the Commercial Real Estate industry, and what can we do about it?
The NAIOP SFBA Government Affairs Committee (GAC) has put together the following update for our members to stay informed about California State and San Francisco Bay Area local legislation. In addition to our Chapter's ongoing relationship with CBPA, which tracks legislation at the State level, New Deal Advisers teams with us to monitor and report on local Bay Area policies that affect commercial real estate
NAIOP San Francisco Bay Area joins other organizations and companies in condemning the recent racial violence and discrimination that this country has witnessed. We are proud that so many Americans have come together to protest this violence and to lay witness to desired change.
Our collective condemnation is the easiest step for us to take; the fact that it feels profound is incredibly sad and telling of how distant we are – individually and as a group – from the reality that our fellow citizens, neighbors, colleagues and friends confront in their lives. We have consistently failed to live up to this country’s stated ideals, and we need to do better.