On behalf of our six chapters and more than 3,000 members across the state of California, NAIOP offers sincere condolences on the passing of Rex Hime, the 37-year president and CEO of the California Business Properties Association (CBPA) and a longtime friend and legislative ally of our association.
After a decade of involvement in the NAIOP SFBA chapter, I am honored to be the president for 2023. The chapter has never been stronger thanks to the hard work of many past leaders, and I am excited to build on that success.
NAIOP SFBA is proud to announce the graduation of Class 2 of the NAIOP Executive Development Program on December 8, 2022. The intensive program concluded with a final overnight Retreat in Berkeley with instructors Julie Chesley and Terri Egan.
We look forward to opening applications for the NED program 2023 very soon! The first information session will be January 11 (see below to register) and the class will run June-November 2023.
Richard Morisky is a real estate tax attorney who is passionate about providing great service to clients. He believes that understanding the technical detail of new tax law and being able to explain it to a client is essential and requires focus, patience, and persistence. A 30-year veteran of the profession, he recently joined the firm RHW CPAs after a long tenure as partner with renowned firm Grant Thornton and Andersen. Subsequently, he practiced as a tax attorney with Dorband & Schneider, LLP.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for this glorious day out on the water!
We are thrilled to announce that this year’s Fleet Week Fundraiser was a huge success! It was an inspiring afternoon of networking at the historic General's Residence in Fort Mason with the most spectacular view of Blue Angels flying overhead.
Diljot is a graduate from the University of California, Berkeley with a Masters in Real Estate Development & Design. Prior to joining UC Berkeley’s MRED+D program, Diljot worked with Atkins for 6 years, where she handled responsibilities in Engineering, Project Management, Operations & Strategy, and Information Management.
On September 16-18th, the Young Professionals Group (YPG) kicked-off the 9th class with a weekend long Retreat at the Doubletree Berkeley Marina. The class will meet monthly through July learning personal and professional development from Bay Area leaders and Pepperdine University professor, Julie Chesley.
As an Analyst of the Northern California & Mountain Regions for Brookfield Properties’ U.S. Office Division, Dennis Puchuela’s responsibilities include leasing, valuations, and quarterly reporting of approximately 8.4M square feet of Class A office properties in downtown Denver, San Francisco, and Seattle.
Roxana has over a decade experience in hospitality and mixed-use residential development with a proven track record of turning opportunities into successful ventures. She approaches each project with ingenuity, a creative mindset, and understands the importance of uniting interdisciplinary team members around a common goal; value added design and mitigating risks are her specialty. Roxana is passionate about great design and creating resilient and sustainable places that enhance quality of life and the surrounding community.