Unconscious Bias and the Bottom Line: The Business Case for Equality

Date: –
Event Details:
Overlooking diversity can actually inhibit the potential, and the bottom line, of any business. So how do we combat our unconscious biases and reshape our thinking (and our workplaces) to leverage the full potential of everyone on our team? Join us May 23rd for an interactive workshop where you will be challenged to think about your own unconscious biases, and develop strategies that will enable you to create a more positive and inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive.
The workshop will be led by Dr. Rebecca Johannsen, who teaches courses in Public Speaking, EQ, Collaborative Intelligence and more, pairing exercises used by actors with the latest in organizational training and development. Dr. Johannsen holds a Ph.D. in Theatre from the joint doctoral program at UC Irvine and UC San Diego and a Master’s degree in Theatre from San Diego State.
All NAIOP SFBA members are welcome to attend this interactive workshop and we especially encourage firms to send those with the ability to affect change in their office policies/procedures. Space is limited, so sign up early to save your seat.
Pier 1, Bay 1
San Francisco, CA 94111
This is a member-only event.
Online registration is now closed.
Permanent link for this event: https://naiopsfba.org/programs/events/unconscious-bias-and-the-bottom-line-the-business-case-for-equality/